May 7, 2017

Editorial de Abertura

Um comentário e um convite, foi assim que nasceu o Transdvocate Brasil. Em março deste ano num post do meu perfil no facebook sobre a questão […]

TransAdvocate Brasil Artigos

September 6, 2017

Pessoas trans: a pedra no sapato do discurso psi e jurídico e a questão do Laudo

Vou precisar escrever esse texto, mais como um desabafo. Nós, enquanto movimento de pessoas trans, falamos como é um absurdo termos nossa cidadania vinculada a apresentação […]
January 4, 2019

Sobre a infância , os memes e a endocissexualidade

A gente adora um meme não é? A internet brasileira vive nessa onda, afinal o Brasil e a mídia são o caldo que fazem essa fábrica […]
October 21, 2018

Fuja do Complexo da Bruxa dos Doces

Tenho observado que parte considerável dos eleitores do #EleNão justificam seus votos alegando que protegerão as crianças. Obviamente se referem ao que chamam de “kitgay”, na […]
May 17, 2018

Lista de obras audiovisuais dirigidas por pessoas trans

FRAME DE SOUTHERN FOR PUSSY, DE ZACKARY DRUCKER [Todos os curtas, longas, séries e vídeos desta lista foram dirigidos por pessoas trans, alguns ainda não tem […]
February 2, 2018

Dois “barbudos” se beijando incomoda mais que um afeminado?

Não acredito que precisaria escrever isso, mas vamos lá. Tem uma página chamada “ativismo gay autônomo” que já falou muita besteira sobre transgeneridade, no maior estilo […]
January 17, 2018

“Não sou contra pessoas trans, sou contra o sistema que cria pessoas trans”

“Não sou contra pessoas trans, sou contra o sistema que cria pessoas trans”. Já começou errado. Pessoas trans não são meramente “criadas” por um sistema. Dizer […]
January 5, 2018

O que tem em um nome? Quando você é transgênero, basicamente tudo.

Por Heather Maloney. Tradução de Beatriz Pagliarini Bagagli. Disponível em: Nossos nomes nem sempre são as primeiras coisas que vêm em nossas mentes quando pensamos […]
October 30, 2017

Genital, gene e coisa tal: O que está por trás da genitalização(?)!

Você se sente sexualmente atraíde por homem ou por pênis? Por mulher ou por vagina? Recentemente eu li um texto no Facebook sem autoria reconhecida que […]
September 8, 2017

É possível ir além do dois!

  Quando viemos ao mundo já existia toda uma estrutura muito bem estabelecida que nos informava, desde muito cedo, através de discursos, modelos, situações, referências, leis, […]
September 5, 2017

Sobre o vídeo da BBC Brasil com Alexya Salvador e comentários de internet

Um video ótimo da BBC Brasil com falas da Alexya Salvador, mulher trans professora, contando suas experiências enquanto professora, mãe e pastora (de uma igreja inclusiva). […]

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  • When it comes to health and fitness, many people are confused as to what they should be focusing on. If you want to start working out and see the best results in a shorter amount of time, you need to focus on both cardiovascular exercises and weight loss to reach your goal.

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  • Have you ever thought about a career in Science & Math? If you have, you probably aren’t very happy with your current job. Even if you love your job, it doesn’t seem to be working out for you. It’s time to make some changes in your life and in your career. So what should you look for in a career in Science & Math?

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  • If you are looking for a profession in science or math, then you have come to the right place. You will find that science and math jobs can be found in a variety of different places throughout the country. Some careers will require that you attend college and get a degree while others will involve work experience first.

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  • The two major subjects in high school are Science & Math, and English. These subjects will usually be a part of the curriculum as they are typically required by schools. However, many students find it to be a very challenging subject, and this is why some opt to take other courses in order to make up for the loss of one of these subjects.

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  • Literature & Fiction are a series of blogs that discuss the different aspects of literature. I have always enjoyed reading, whether it is fiction or non-fiction; and it is so easy to get started with this hobby. The first blog in the series focused on The American Novel – The Best American Short Story: A Study in Time.

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  • There are many forms of literature and fiction to be found and one should be sure they know what they’re looking for. There are many genres to look for in literature and some of these genres are historical, romance, science fiction, horror, mystery and fantasy. Each of these genres has it’s own set of rules and it is up to the reader to make sure…[Read more]

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  • Vad Rice posted an update 3 years, 7 months ago

    The importance of a balanced diet and exercise in the management of health and fitness can not be over emphasized. A well balanced diet with adequate amounts of healthy fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and vitamins can go a long way to maintain a healthy life style and lifestyle.

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  • Vad Rice posted an update 3 years, 7 months ago

    When it comes to health and fitness, many people are confused as to what they should be focusing on. If you want to start working out and see the best results in a shorter amount of time, you need to focus on both cardiovascular exercises and weight loss to reach your goal.

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  • Literature & Fiction are the collection of essays, reviews, and commentaries on literature-related subjects.
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  • The term "Literature & Fiction" was first used by Englishman, John Keats, to describe works of literature that were literary in character. In his Essays, Keats included "Poetry"Real Poetry" in his collection of poems, while "Mythology" was another group of writings.

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  • Surfing social networks, you can certainly see many testimonies involving guys flirting along with ladies just for the objective of not necessarily "doing person stories". This condition can be more common with ladies calling Ha Dong inexperienced in love. Makes many ladies suffer when they accidentally supply the thousand gold value to "So…[Read more]

  • As the most important wholesale vapor provider and distributor within the USA, IEVapor is a proud member of vape neighborhood and prime ranked provider of wholesale vapor merchandise throughout United States. The SMOK TFV8 Baby Beast is perfect for customers in search of a properly balanced experience of both taste and vapor manufacturing. The…[Read more]

  • Though it’s nice news that this function is coming in 4.1, it does pose a difficulty for Vapor 3. Conditional conformance has a giant impact on the core of our framework – it’s not a purely additive change. Solely bug fixes and additive options might be merged. Vapor 3’s beta department will start relying on Swift 4.1 quickly. The RC.1 launch com…[Read more]

  • Therefore, when the outdoors temperatures are within the mid to higher 90s, the temperature inside the residence may properly be within the decrease 80s, a selection the place a number of people right this moment stay comfortable. Once your temperature is chosen, the typical pen takes only a few seconds to heat up. Park visitors stand in areas…[Read more]

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